6.8. Repositioning of IK markers


This function is used for VRoid/VRM. You can directly specify the position and rotation of the body parts of the model used in this application. A new window will open. It is a separate window from the app.


Apply Pose:

Apply a pose with the values specified in the spreadsheet below.


Reload the current pose information.

flip pose:

Flip the values of the current pose left to right



Specify the Position and Rotation values for each part of the body.


  • You can directly move and rotate the VRoid/VRM while this window is displayed. However, due to specifications, it is not immediately reflected in the spreadsheet in this window. By pressing the reload button, you can get the position and rotation information immediately.

  • It is automatically reloaded when you change the object selection, or when you change the timeline keyframe selection.

  • If you choose anything other than VRM, the spreadsheet will not be available.